Friday, December 12, 2008

Perf #7 (Rehearsal #18)

Running time 2 hours 28 minutes.

We had another late start - busy lobby at The Public with FOUR shows going on. People just literally aren't making it into the theatre till 8pm.

The crowd tonight was definitely the least responsive we have had to this point. They seemed to still be engaged and invested, just not as vocal.

Had a post show discussion - all the cast voluntarily participated. And we had probably about 1/3 of the house stay for the discussion.

"Andy" cut his hand tonight on the rough edge of the sink. He's fine - We cleaned it and put Neosporin on it and gave him a bandaid. But Stage Management will fill out an injury report regardless.

2 hours of OT confirmed for cast & stage management.

We don't know what Mandy Patinkin is doing in the Anspacher but it was quite noisy tonight, but not last night. What are the chances of them reducing the banging on the floor?

Re: "Andy's" hand. We think he cut it on the downstage edges of the sink where the ceramic is missing - Can we do something to fix this?

Light cue 98 seems weird - it takes us from the sofa area into the bathroom for Doug's placing of the prop. Tonight, the cue got very bright on both the bathroom and sofa area and then the lights went dim on the sofa area. Is this right?

1. Did we link sound 22 and 23?
2. Can we make the African music louder?

So evidentially "Doug's" belt broke tonight. Can we get him a new one?
Also, "Bruce" chose the sweater tonight but the director likes the blazer. Can we keep the blazer? The sweater just seems really small for some reason - it keeps 'riding up.'

Menorah #5 = broken.
We need to make the Russ and Daughter's bag look heavier. Let's put more stuff in it.

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